I didn't take a lot of pictures, but spent a fair amount of time with John walking around the facility and discussing the work they do. When I told him what I do for Syngenta and that I used to do computer and networking support, he said "well, maybe you can help us with the handheld computer for inventory". We spent about half the time that I was there working on some issues they are having! Had a great time there.
Nanee wanted to have a "rest day" so Lori, Kailin, London and I went to the beach. We stopped at Glass Beach (the actual name is Wahi-awa) first to check it out. I haven't been able to find out a lot of information on it, but there was a company named Swiss Cheese Shoreline that dumped glass and broken windshields (Don't ask me what the windsheilds have to do with swiss cheese...I just got the info from the internet) years ago.
There are millions (maybe billions?) of pieces of glass that have washed up. We spent a bit of time trying to find green, red and blue pieces as most of it is brown and clear.
There were also a couple of old engine blocks and a rear differential that had been so eaten up by salt water that I couldn't identify them!
Lori found a recently deceased lobster...we left it there.
Part of a Drupe shell. This would be cool to find a whole one!
Went to Salt Pond beach next to meet up with one of Lori's friends and her daughter who is a friend of London's.
Kind of a classic VW bus with surfboards.
I had a difficult time with London wanting to "Destroy the Castle!" before I even finished it. I made a couple of towers down the beach and let him "assualt" them.
This one even had a dragons head at the base of it, but the waves took some of the teeth out of it.
Don't they look so cute and peaceful? Yeah right! At this point London was asking me every 2 minutes if they could "Destroy the Castle!".
I held off the hoards.
The kids and I went out to the rocks and wandered around looking in tide pools and they decided that they needed to build a canal to "free the water".
While they were playing hide and seek and tag, I checked out the salt recovery site that gives the beach its name.
As the sun was setting, we packed up our gear and headed for home.
Dinner was Sausage with pineapple in it and some veggies sauteed with it. Then mixxed it with bowtie pasta and a sauce that Lori made.
I must say that we have been eating very well here!